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NC3Rs: National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research

How to make a successful grant application

We fund research across the full spectrum of science and technology, but the underlying driver must always be the 3Rs. As the demand for our funding schemes is consistently increasing, it is essential that applicants submit the most competitive application they can.

On this page, we have collected resources, advice and guidance produced by our funding team to help applicants to determine whether their project is likely to be competitive, and what factors they need to consider when preparing the application.

The application process and other guidelines can be found in ourApplicant and Grant Holder Handbook.

Applicants shouldcontact the NC3Rs officefor project specific guidance.

Writing effectively about the 3Rs


3Rs legacy


A checklist of information to include in publications describing animal research.

In vivo research

Ways in which applicants proposing in vivo research might best prepare for the NC3Rs review.

Ensure you select the correct R your proposal is targeting with our up-to-date 3Rs definitions.

3Rs side by side in NC3Rs brand colours